About Me
No matter how many people tell you 'things will get easier with time', you have to feel and believe that for yourself... My life this far has been a beautiful experience, but it has also been affected by grief, loss, trauma and many things that really could have broken me, but others needing me and my 'strength' carried me through.
Through that same strength, discovered that it's also OK and important to allow myself to be weak and in those times of weakness, I meditate, go within and allow myself to just BE present and give feed my soul what it needs.
Worrying About Tomorrow & Not Living For Today
No amount of 'try not to worry's' ever stopped me worrying, until I came to the realisation that life sucks sometimes and if I live from a place of worry, there is no room for JOY and I would have spent my entire existence worrying about things that may never actually happen. One morning, I had three different occurrences that could have lowered my vibration and ruined my day, but in that moment, decided that nothing and no one would ever steal my joy...
Meditation Saved Me
It was a process. A process that started with meditation - I often say meditation and forming a relationship with the (my) breath saved me and anyone that truly knows me would agree. It has helped me to elevate and navigate life from a more mindful place of fully BEing, enJOYing the present and living in the present... ​​